You might have read the Zen Habits Meal Plan, which is actually a pretty good plan. 也许你看过《ZenHabits食谱》&它确实是一本不错的书。
Create a healthier meal plan for tomorrow? 是为明天做一个更健康的膳食计划?
India's midday meal plan is one of the world's biggest school nutrition programmes. 印度的免费午餐计划是世界上最大的校园营养计划之一。
Create your own meal plan: Now that you don't belong to your school's meal plan, you need to learn how to budget for your meals and make your own grub. 有自己的饮食计划:由于你已经离开学校食堂了,所以你要学着预算饭钱,自己想好吃什么。
She's not going to be part of the meal plan. 我原先没有想到她会加入。
See an RD for help with your meal plan and add more physical activity to your lifestyle. 将合理的饮食计划和增加锻炼纳入你的生活方式中。
The meal plan is 20 dollars each for five breakfast and four supper. 伙食费方式是每人20美元,吃五顿早餐和四顿晚餐。
As you know alcohol contains calories and must be counted in your meal plan. 你知道酒精能增加热卡,因此必须计算在您的食谱之内。
Many of us consider the Mediterranean diet to be the closest thing known to an ideal meal plan, rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, fish, olive oil and, yes, a bit of red wine with meals. 我们身边的大多数人都认为地中海居民的日常饮食最接近合理的饮食搭配。包括丰富的蔬菜,水果,豆类,谷物,鱼类,橄榄油等,还有一点配餐的红酒。
Create a healthier meal plan for tomorrow? Create a place for everything you use at work, so your organizing system doesn't fall apart in two day? 还是把你工作上的所有事情理得仅仅有条,以免你的规划不至于在两天混乱不堪?
A registered dietitian can help you design a meal plan. 注册营养师可帮助你制订饮食计划。
HOST MEAL: If we can give a plan for ourselves everyday, which is on what to learn and how much do we learn, put more duties on ourselves, we will not give up our study very easily. 主餐:如果我们能为自己主动的定下每天必须完成的任务,不断地为自己施加压力,我们就不会轻易放弃。
If you already have a good management plan consisting of a meal plan, exercise, and oral medications, you have experience that will help you use insulin. 如果你已经有了很好的糖尿病管理方案,包括饮食、运动和口服药,那么这些经验对你胰岛素治疗会有很大帮助。
Conclusion: Jin's 3-Needle Technique and a Clearing Meal Plan had an obvious clinical effect on Crohn's Disease. 结论:针灸配合饮食澄请计划对克隆氏病有明显的治疗作用;
Later during the meal at the spoon actual location foundation that the appearance is changed on the basis of true man, help to plan the orbit in the whole course to this robot. 在基于真人就餐餐勺实际位姿变化的基础上,进行了机器人的助餐全过程轨迹规划。